LOBSTER GHOST HAUNTS MAN! This is the aftermath of a man taunting his dinner. A Florida man named AL Huntley decided to have a home made lobster dinner. He got the water in the pot to boiling. Then he grabbed the lobster and held it above the pot taunting it. Laughing that it was about to die. Telling the lobster that there was nothing it could do about it.

He wore a stethoscope and dropped the end of it in the boiling water just before the lobster went in. He laughed some more, and then put the critter in the pot. And he listened to the screams of the lobster as it boiled to death and told it he could not get revenge, for he would be dead.

A week later he awoke in the middle of the night to high pitched screams. And saw it. The apparition of a lobster. As soon as he turned on the lights, the ghost and the screams went away. But every time he turned out the lights and fell back to sleep, the ghost and the screams would return. This went on for three months before the Florida man decided to make it right. He tried to atone by boiling himself in a lobster costume. What he did not count on was the foam rubber costume melting to the bottom of the giant pot he had obtained.

Needless to say, He did not get out of the pot alive. Neighbors that called the cops over the screaming, said they could see a giant lobster in a pot flailing about as it was being boiled to death. When the cops showed up on scene, they had forks and bibs in hand as they thought it was a joke, and dinner invitation at the same time. LOBSTER GHOST HAUNTS MAN! to his death.

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