MASTICATING IS LIFE. depending on how you do it and what you put in your mouth. There is the healthy way and the bad way. Putting low fat and low calorie stuff in there is best. But sometimes you just want something big and full of fat. Well that is ok once in a while.

Masticating 3 to 5 times a day seems to be the average for most people. But it is recommended to try only 3 times a day, and do it on a schedule. You can do it alone, but studies show that it is better to do it with others. Your masticating will be better and more controlled.

When alone we have a tendency to masticate too much. This is bad for our bodies systems. When masticating in a group it is better over all. Conversation will ensue, and you will have a tendency to share with the group. How much you masticate will also be toned down a bit as you will be sharing that time. In short when it is time to stop masticating; You will do so.

And be sure to try new things when masticating in public. Do not always go to the same place to masticate. There are hundreds of places in your city to masticate to be sure to get around. Never forget, MASTICATING IS LIFE, and it is good for all of us in moderation!

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