Burrito Blanket

Burrito Blanket

Burrito Blanket. Have you ever felt the desire to be stuffed with seasoned taco meat? Cheese? Chopped tomatoes? and cilantro? Then rolled up tighter than a g-string hanging on for dear life?

Well now you can fulfill that fantasy of yours!

Burrito Blanket

Thanks to modern technology, and someone’s sick and twisted imagination. You too can roll yourself up like a burrito every day of the week. Except Tuesday, Tuesdays are for tacos.

This mouth watering fleece blanket is perfect for those chilly nights alone, or those nights when you’re not alone and want your date to look at you like a starving man looking at porterhouse steak.

You’re sure to be warm and cozy with 60 inches of delicious fluffiness. It’s fun for the whole family, including the cat! Now you too can have your very own purrito!

Burrito Blanket

However we must caution against overuse of burrito and tortilla related puns. Once reviewer took things too far and woke up single the next morning. Always pun responsibly.

We must also caution that this burrito blanket is made of fleece, and is therefore not only flammable but also not edible. This blanket is not suitable for most drunken Cinco De Mayo festivities involving gigantic edible mexican food.

WARNING: Not responsible for dreams of being drowned in taco sauce and smothered in cheese.

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