YES! today is NATIONAL FRAGRENCE DAY! This means you can run around and release your personal fragrance where ever you choose! You can also customize your fragrance with a little planning.

For example; I prefer to start the day with a combination of broccoli and cheddar soup and hard boiled eggs. This combination is guaranteed to release a highly noxious cloud. And that kind of cloud is going to bring tears to peoples eyes.

In the afternoon i top off with pinto beans, fried eggs, and douse it with curry. And this combination is going to bring about the hard gag reflex that most people get just from looking at poop on the ground much less smelling it. You can add a touch of rosemary to it for that extra touch.

And of course the shopping trip is most important. Wal-Mart is the best place to allow the population to sample your fragrance. Combine the above foods, and I do mean all at once. Wait 3 hours. Go to your favorite store. AND let it rip! Drop a long silent one down an entire isle with no one on it, and then go hide.

Wait for someone to go down it and watch their reaction. I bet it will be ROFLMAO! moment. Elevators are also a great target. Bring one down to the first floor. After the door opens press the top floor button. And let a long one rip inside as the door closes. Be sure to stand outside of the elevator, do not trap your self inside.

And make sure you stay safe. Carry an extra pair of undies just incase. Remember to share your fragrance, as it is NATIONAL FRAGRENCE DAY!

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